Wudang Qigong Taijiquan is a not well-known Taoist exercise. It follows the regimens of Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine) and combines a variety of Chinese traditional fitness regimens such as Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yi Jin Jing (changing tendon exercise). There are three main parts of the Wudang Qigong Taijiquan as we can find the recorded information: Tian (Sky), Ren (Human), Di (Earth). Each part has 9 patterns and in total will be 27... More

Great Master Zhangfeng's Resume

Zhangfeng, the successor of Wudang Qigong Taijiquan, the founder of Yu Zhen Taijiquan Hall, as well as the assessor and instructor of Chinese Wushu Duanwei Test, was selected in Comprehensive Mirror to Chinese Wushu Masters & Prestigious Schools. He was also chosen as the torchbearer in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and consequently selected in the stamp album issued by China National Post Office in 2009 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of National Day. Zhangfeng ever had long term cooperation with Disney, Coca-Cola, Parkson, Bank of China and other Top500 companies in the world to spread Wudang Qigong Tai Chi...More

Wudang Qigong Taijiquan Courses

  • Short Time Courses

    Have close contact with Zhangfeng, a great master of Wudang Qigong Tai Chi, to feel the beauty of this exercise, to learn the broad and profound Chinese Kung Fu and Chinese culture.

    Course Course A: 30 minutes Course B: 1 hour
    Cost USD63 per person USD105 per person
  • Tailor-made Courses

    Based on the requirements of customers, tailor making courses for them to treat diseases and preserve health by combining Wudang Qigong Taijiquan exercises and Tai Chi spirit.

    The durations and costs of courses are determined by customers’ actual situations.


  • Lectures and Cultural Exchange Activities

    Any groups or organizations which want to know more about Wudang Qigong Taijiquan, lectures or cultural exchange activities can be arranged by the great master Zhangfeng, to explain the development and essence of Wudang Qigong Tai Chi.

    The durations and costs of programs are determined by customers’ actual situations.
