Yongding Hakka Cutural Village

Yongding Hakka Cutural Village, also known as Hongkeng Tulou Cluster, is located in Hukeng Town of Yongding County, Fujian Province. The first earthen buildings in the village were constructed here by the forefathers of Lin Family in the 13th century, including the square Chongyu Building and Nanchang Building which have collapsed. In the next hundreds of years during different dynasties, new earthen buildings in different styles were built one after the other in the village. By 2000, there are 2310 people from 638 families living in the village.

Yongding Hakka Cutural Village,Yongding Tours,Fujian Tours,China Tours

With earthen buildings, ancestral halls, temples, schools scattering along the stream, the village and its surrounding natural scenery perfectly fuse together, creating a peaceful Chinese painting. The styles of the buildings in the village vary from each other, including square, oblong, round, half-moon and some others. Among the many earthen constructions, the Tianhou Temple, Rixin School, Ancestral Hall of Lin Family and Temple of Guanyu are distinctive for being made of immature soil. The existing Fengsheng Building and Yongyuan Building are two of the 13 ones constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644); and Fuyu Building, Kuiju Building, Yanglin Building and Zhongzhuu Building are the four of the 33 ones built in Qing Dynasty (1616 – 1912).

Yongding Hakka Cutural Village,Yongding Tours,Fujian Tours,China Tours

Being a unique architectural complex with large-scale earthen buildings, Yongding Hakka Cutural Village is listed as one of the world cultural heritages. With long history, distinctive style, ingenious structure, complete functions and large scale, the local earthen buildings have developed a school of its own among the colorful Chinese traditional dwellings. Of the many buildings in the village, the Zhencheng Building, Fuyu Building and Kuiju Building are the most remarkable and have been placed as cultural relics under national protection.

Travel Tips for Yongding Hakka Cutural Village

Traditional wedding ceremony in Yongding Hakka Cutural Village

1. Opening time
07:00 – 19:00

2. Ticket
Package ticket for Yongding Hakka Cutural Village is 50 Yuan / per person (including key scenic spots such as Zhencheng Building, Kuiju Buidling, Fuyu Building and Rusheng Building).

3. Traffic
It takes about one hour from the county town of Yongding to the village by bus. Buses are available at Yongding Bus Station, 15 Yuan / per person, departing every 40 minutes. The village is 4 kilometers from the Chengqi Earthen Building and the Gaobei Earthen Building Cluster, 5 kilometer from the Nanxi Earthen Building Cluster and more than 40 kiloneter from Chuxi Earthen Building Cluster.

4. Accommodation
The Laideng Hotel at the entrance of the village provides 3-star decorated rooms. Tourists can also choose the local earthen inn. The room prices of the hotels range from 150 Yuan to 200 Yuan.

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